The Listening Tube

Season 8, Episode Seven May 5, 2024

Bob Woodley Season 8 Episode 7

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On this episode, we'll hear about the Chinese Exclusion Act, a promiscuous President, and the assassination of a radio tower repair man.  Not the headlines will cover the Supreme Court and voting.  Plus, I'll give my take on the college protests.

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Hello!  Thank you for putting your ear to the Listening Tube!  I’m your host, Bob Woodley.  On this episode, we’ll hear about the Chinese Exclusion Act, a President accused of marital infidelity, and I’ll opine about the college protests around the country….but first (Not the Headlines!)…

I recently saw a meme on social media that read, “Right now, I’m less concerned about who owns tiktok than I am about who owns the Supreme Court.”  My views on tiktok are well documented on this program, but in case you’re not familiar, I sincerely believe that tiktok’s primary purpose is to influence American minds and gather data.  The fact that it’s a Chinese-owned company should be enough for concern.  A recent story on Fortune dot com claims former employees of tiktok say there are close ties to China even while the tiktok CEO claims otherwise.  President Biden just signed a law compelling tiktok to separate itself from the Chinese Communist Party or be cut off from American consumers.  It was included in the bill that sent billions of dollars to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.  So even though the top Democrat in the country is in favor of eliminating tiktok’s foreign influence, there are still many on the left who support tiktok.  Enough to favor it over the United States Supreme Court.
The person who I saw share the meme is a local politician hopeful, having run for one office and lost.  The former candidate hoped to represent the people in my area, but instead chose to represent an agenda.  So, what agenda is it?  Well, the Supreme Court is a target now because they’re currently considering the case of Presidential Immunity.  Even though whatever they decide will apply to all Presidents moving forward, many on the left are only concerned with how the decision, which we should get at the end of June, will effect Donald Trump and the November election.  In anticipation of a ruling favoring Trump, the court must be discredited ahead of time.  That way, if the court’s decision can in any way be considered a Trump victory, the groundwork has already been laid to discredit it based on the assertion that the Supreme Court of the United States of America is somehow in somebody’s pocket.  And of course, it’s only the Justices nominated by conservative Presidents who can be bought.  Liberal Justices are the only ones who have any credibility.  Therefore, any Supreme Court decisions made while the conservatives hold the majority are null and void.
I must say, using tiktok to create a contrast to the Supreme Court is a smart move.  Certainly, tiktok is more popular than the court, and those who use tiktok are more easily influenced than the court.  It’s entirely possible that the person who made the meme knows full well how dangerous tiktok is to our national security, but doesn’t care.  The only mission is to make people less confident in the Supreme Court.  If you recall last week’s episode about the Tall Poppy Syndrome, this is a classic example of it.  If you can’t be the one making the decision, try to cut down the person who is.  However, once a decision is made, I doubt anyone will feel any better or any worse about it regardless of how much propaganda there was leading up to it.  People think memes on social media will influence the Supreme Court.  People think protesters outside the building itself will influence the Supreme Court.  The only thing protesters might accomplish is getting a Supreme Court Justice to ask a particular question during a hearing.  Other than that, I don’t think protesting influences the Supreme Court at all.  Their decisions are limited to the powers of the Constitution.  Precedent helps guide them.  Plus, the Supreme Court can only decide what cases to accept from those presented.  They don’t have the power to look for rulings to make.  They can’t just band together and say, “Hey let’s see what happens if we make lynching legal.”  That’s what memes like this one want you to believe.
If the left was sure Joe Biden was going to win another term as President, and maybe get to nominate another Justice or two, you wouldn’t see this kind of chatter.  But if Donald Trump can get elected again, the Supreme Court will stay majority conservative.  Apparently, the left sees no liability in denigrating the Supreme Court.  That might be a barometer of how much faith the Democrats have in their candidate.

Speaking of elections, the city of Huntington Beach, California, passed a measure back in March that requires a voter to show ID at the polling place.  In response, the Republic of California has sued the city to not enforce the practice.  Huntington Beach want’s to make sure people who are allowed to vote can, and people who aren’t allowed to vote, can’t.  They also want to monitor drop boxes.  California’s Attorney General says these practices would violate state law.  He says asking for photo ID is blatantly and flatly illegal, according to a story in the L.A. Times . The 320-page lawsuit filed against the city by the state means the people will have to accept the final decision even if it’s the opposite of what they voted for in March.  This one feels like it might make it to the Supreme Court.  It may come down to how it was written, but if the California courts rule against Huntington Beach, they’ll have to reveal why.  That will allow Huntington Beach to amend the law to circumvent the obstacles.  They may have to bring it up for another vote among the people who live there, but it seems they’re determined to find a way to preserve the integrity of their elections.
The state asserts that they already have the integrity of the elections secure.  Voters are required to verify their identity when they register to vote.  So the state’s argument is, “we already know they are who they say they are.  You don’t have the right to ask them to prove it again.”
Huntington Beach is saying, “yea, we get that, but we want to add another layer of security to our election, and not just take your word for it.  Plus we want to insulate ourselves from any future state laws that may make voter fraud easier.”
Of course, the state plays the race card, saying that voter ID laws constitute an unfair burden on Black, Latino and low-income voters.  But the fact is, those same voters had to prove to the state who they are, and probably did so with a state-issued ID card of some type, probably a driver’s license.  If they were able to prove who they are to register, they should be able to prove who they are when they vote.  It makes me wonder what ulterior motive California has that they feel the need to fight voter ID laws so vigorously.  Why would they object to an additional layer of security on our most sacred civil duty?  It’s almost like they’re inviting fraud when they fight so hard to keep municipalities from taking action to make the voting process as accurate as possible.  

One of the major factors in how people will vote this November is inflation.  When Joe Biden took office, the Consumer Price Index was just under two percent.  It rose as high as 9 percent, but never as low as the goal of 2 percent.  The rate of inflation has fallen, but prices continue to go up.  A recent poll by The Feedback Group and cited in a story by Chain Store Age puts the blame of higher prices squarely on government policies and actions.  Now, we can debate if that’s actually the cause of higher prices, but the fact is, most people feel that way.  Product manufacturers and suppliers came in a close second as responsible for the inflation we see at the grocery store.  The least amount of blame went to climate change and the farmers and growers.  So even though the weather can create conditions that contribute to crop damage and drought can eliminate entire crops, people in general don’t think that has much effect on prices at all.  Wars and political strife were somewhere in the middle, lending little evidence that calling inflation Putin’s Price Hikes was ever given any credence.  That’s not to say that Ukraine’s inability to export grain and sunflower products didn’t have an impact on worldwide trading.
Plus, people’s perception isn’t always a good way to measure what’s actually happening.  For example, People in this survey typically overestimate how much profit a supermarket makes.  The average respondent estimates a profit margin of 31 percent.  That’s actually down from the last two years, but still higher than the actual number.  In reality, supermarkets make about 1 percent profit on the goods they buy and sell, after all other variables are factored into the equation.  
The story doesn’t say why prices are higher, nor does it tell us who’s keeping the profits if the grocery store isn’t.  After all, since the Biden administration took control, the price of flour is up 37%, eggs are up 35%, bread is up 25%, and cold cuts are up 23 and a half percent.  But then again, the cost of moving everything us up, too.  Diesel is up almost 56% and gasoline is maintaining a 37 percent increase, although it’s on the upswing again right now.  
But if the public feels it’s the government’s fault that prices are so much higher at the grocery store, then what’s being done about it?  While the Biden administration has had some success in reducing drug prices, it’s little comfort when the price of everything else has gone up.  And not just a little.  Home heating oil has gone up 61%.  Car insurance went up almost 42 percent?  You might say it’s because of the high cost of the paper all those policies are written on, but they don’t even do much of that anymore.  Perhaps it’s because the cost of vehicle repairs has gone up 35% since January of 2021.  It seems like the benefactors of inflation can be spread around pretty thin, but it adds up to a lot for the end consumer.  Wherever the blame actually lies, current office holders have a problem on their hands if the voters are holding them responsible for never-ending inflation that the government can’t seem to control.  Maybe part of the problem is the government trying to control it in the first place.  Let’s face it, everything the federal government gets their hands on results in waste, over-spending and more costs to the consumer/taxpayer.  

Let’s Go Back liner

The United States Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act.  What exactly was that?

Look that up liner

The Chinese exclusion act was a product of anti-Chinese sentiment resulting in Chinese laborers taking jobs from other ethnic groups.  But the Chinese had just gone through two Opium wars and their national debt was something many Chinese people didn’t want any part of.  They chose to move to other parts of the world, including America.  This happened at a time when bigotry was an accepted reason for the government to take action.  The Chinese were no threat.  Unlike today, with the Chinese Communist Party planning to take over the world.  The Chinese Exclusion Act was meant to last for 10 years, but was renewed 10 years later, and made permanent 20 years later.  There were exceptions, of course.  Teachers and diplomats, travelers and students were allowed to come.  But not laborers.  The Chines Exclusion Act remained in force until 1943, according to wikipedia.  That year, 105 Chinese immigrants were allowed to emigrate to America.  
In 2023, 24,000 Chinese were apprehended illegally crossing the southern border of the United States.  Only China knows why.

Soviet Russia recognizes the independence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia only to invade the country six months later.  That’s how Russia worked then, that’s how Russia works now.

The Hard Hat riot occurs in the Wall Street area of New York City as blue-collar construction workers clash with demonstrators protesting the Vietnam War.  This is basically the same area near Columbia University, where all the pro-Hamas demonstrations were taking place.  There were no construction workers there this time around.  Who knows, maybe the unions weren’t so tight with the Democrats back then.  Now, the unions are beholden to the Democrats.  Joe Biden even joined a picket line last year, the first President to do so.  Many of the protesters last week we carrying United Auto Worker signs.  As it turn out, part of the United Auto Workers includes a chapter that represents postdoctoral scholars and researchers in the California University system.  They’ve even authorized a strike “should circumstances justify, according to a story in The Hill.  I come from a Union family, so I get it.  But what we’re seeing more lately is the rank and file unhappy with their union dues going to political candidates.  Not all union members are Democrats, and even those who are don’t necessarily agree that the unions should be choosing sides.  Ironically, Donald Trump had more union support than any Republican candidate in modern history.  Or it seemed so when the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed him in 2020.  Back then, leaders of unions in the building trades had to try to convince the rank and file to vote for Biden.  Many of them did not.
In retrospect, the unions probably don’t want to get involved in riots again anyway.  The leadership won’t like it because it drives another wedge into the Democrats.  They have plenty of wedges as it is.  I’m not saying the Republicans don’t.  Ask the House Speaker.

Former Arkansas state worker Paula Jones files a lawsuit against President Bill Clinton, alleging that he had sexually harassed her in 1991.  I’m sure you remember the show trial they had after his term in office expired.  Oh, you don’t remember that?  That’s because only Donald Trump has been criminally charged with trying to cover up an alleged extramarital affair.  What you might remember is President Clinton responding to a question about one of his affairs, it may have been Paula or it may have been Monica, by saying “that depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is…..
I liked Bill Clinton from the first time I say him play the saxophone on the Johnny Carson show.  When you look at the Democrats now, Bill Clinton might have been mistaken for a Republican compared to the Democrat presidents who’ve come after him.

Vladimir Putin is inaugurated president of Russia.  He held the position for eight years.  Russia had term limits back then, so he took a back seat as Prime Minister for four years.  Then he became President again.  In the interim, he’s eliminated term limits and any threat to his hold on power.  Believe it or not, the tyrant Putin has run as the leader of two different political parties.  He’s run as an Independent, as the leader of the United Russia party.  Ironically, he’s never run under the Communist Party.  Other parties have offered candidates over the years, but only as token choices.  The afformentioned Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communists of Russia Party, and even one called Yabloko, according to wikipedia.  Putin has cemented his grip on power in Russia so thoroughly that he’s been able to sacrifice thousands of men in the quest to control Ukraine while little girls in elementary school are drawing pictures of Russian soldiers running over Ukrainians with tanks.

American businessman Nick Berg is beheaded by Islamic militants.  Nick was a radio tower repairman who went to Iraq for the opportunity to earn some money helping to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure after the American invasion.  The invasion itself was justified by the allegation that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had a stash of weapons of mass destruction.  We later learned that wasn’t the case.  There’s a lot of speculation about how Nick Berg came to be kidnapped.  What we think is that he was in the custody of U.S. officials a month earlier, but U.S. officials claim he was being held by Iraqi forces.  However, Nick’s parents have a letter from the U.S. consulate saying he was being detained by the U.S. military in Mosul.  The AP is quoted as saying he was released from custody and advised to go back to the U.S.  Instead, he went to Baghdad.  April 10th was the last time anybody heard from him.  On May 8th, his body was discovered by American soldiers on an overpass in Baghdad.  Three days later, a video of his execution was released on the internet.  The title of the video was, “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi slaughters an American.”  Zarqawi, of Jordan, was a radicalized Muslim extremist.  Just like the people of Hamas.  The same kind of people being supported by protesters on college campuses around the United States.
Zarqawi was killed in a targeted attack on June 7th, over two years after the Nick Berg execution.  An American f-16 a laser-guided bomb and a GPS-guided bomb on a house near Baqubah, Iraq, where he was holding a meeting.  Five of the people in attendance died immediately.  Zarqawi, however lived through the initial attack, only to suffer for about an hour before his lungs gave out from injuries caused by the blast.

Phone and email liner

There’s a terrible thing happening in our country right now.  College students and professors are protesting in support of the terrorist group that attacked innocent people in southern Israel on October 7th of last year.  Somehow, with the influence of social media and other sources, large groups of college students have rallied against Israel.  
I’m not a fan of war.  I would hope that we can live without it.  And in fact, Israel and Hamas had a cease-fire in place until the barbaric attacks of last October.  But Hamas broke that cease-fire.  They attacked innocent people and brutally murdered them and desecrated their bodies in a show of raw barbarism that was swift and deliberately humiliating.  The goal of Hamas is the extermination of the Jews, yet college students are blaming Israel for their retaliation, falsely calling it genocide.  I’ve said it on this program a number of times.  What Israel is doing in Gaza is not even close to genocide, and anyone who claims it is genocide has a lot to learn.  Which is ironic, since they’re college students and professors.  Not all the students and not all the professors are supporting Hamas, but large portions of them are.  Certainly more than there should be if those participating in the protests were as educated as you would expect them to be.
Now, you might be thinking, “But Bob, they’re not supporting Hamas, they’re supporting the Palestinian people.”  Okay, fair enough.  It was the Palestinian people of Gaza who voted to put Hamas in power.  Hamas’ stated goal is the elimination of the Jewish state.  Sure, not all of the people in the Gaza Strip voted for their local Hamas official, but there’s also a good chance those people were already dead before the war started.  The people protesting in favor of Gaza are protesting in favor of a totalitarian government led by a man who doesn’t even live there.  The leader of Hamas lives in Qatar.  How sad is that?  The leader of the government chooses to live in the luxury of Qatar rather than in the territory he rules.  Today’s college student protesters have no clue about what started this war or who the major players are.  All they know is that Israel is an occupier and oppressor state, so they can’t be on the side of right.  So they rally for the other side.  The side of Hamas, who still has hostages, including American hostages.  The side who can end this war in a matter of hours if they released the hostages and surrendered.  
Instead, all these kids are blaming Israel for a war Israel didn’t start.  And all those kids are being bankrolled by somebody who has an agenda.  We don’t yet know who’s paying for all the tents and signs and clothing accessories, but all those things seem to pop up wherever there are willing participants.  We don’t yet know where the money comes from, but George Soros and Act Blue are prime suspects.  The same people who brought us the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.  Once again, the people with the money have found minions to spew their garbage for them.  But now, too many Black people have realized that Black Lives Matter was only out to line the pockets of its leaders.  So another group of willing participants was needed to be found for the next faux revolution.
College students have always been a breeding ground for abstract ideals.  We expect that of our new brood of thinkers.  That’s how we continue to improve as a society.  That’s why taxpayers agree to subsidize higher learning.  We know how valuable new and unique viewpoints are in advancing technology and our understanding of the world.  But there’s nothing new or unique about the rancor being promoted by the left in relation to the war in Gaza.  We’ve seen it all before.  The Jewish people have been persecuted for thousands of years.  
The last time we saw what’s happening in today’s colleges was in beer halls in Germany in the 1930’s.  
I’m gonna jump off-topic here for a moment.  For a country that’s been known to say “Never Forget”, we seem to have forgotten a lot.  Not only did we forget about the persecution of the Jews, which I’ll get back to shortly, we also forgot about September 11, 2021.  The people who attacked Israel last October have the same ideology as Al-Quida.  So now we have college students in the United States who are calling for the destruction of the American government.  We have college students and professors who would experience great joy by the failure of the government of the United States, an institution that’s been the beacon of freedom for the whole world for more than 200 years.  What could they possibly want to replace it?  Some type of government that would have them jailed or executed for their speech?  How much better do they think they’re gonna make it?
I saw a Jewish student at an America university point out that the LGBTQ2S+etc. group is also joining the left in supporting Hamas and opposing Israel, and the irony that if any of those people stepped foot in Gaza under Hamas rule, they would be stoned to death.  How misguided must the radical college students get until they realize the folly of those who’s directions they’re following?  Clearly, too many of our college students are being indoctrinated instead of educated.  Otherwise, they would have the ability to recognize, or at least inquire why they’re being recruited for this radical mission.
So, what is the mission, and what are they trying to accomplish?  They’re certainly not having any immediate impact by pitching tents in the quad.  A quick internet search didn’t pull up any charitable organizations sending money or goods to the people of Gaza on behalf of an American college.  So it doesn’t seem to be so much a push for the people of Gaza than it is for a political agenda.  There is only one thing the protests on American college campuses will accomplish:  Policy change.  The people of Gaza are just the tools they need to advance their ideals.  They’re using the people of Gaza in much the same way Hamas uses them as human shields.  The protesters talk a lot about the estimated 34-thousand people killed in Gaza.  First of all, there’s really no way to confirm that number, but let’s say it’s true.  What we don’t hear about from the protesters is a call for Hamas to stop using their people as human shields.  We don’t hear protesters calling for Egypt to open its border with Gaza to allow civilians to evacuate.  We don’t hear the protesters calling for the release of the hostages still being held by Hamas.
None of the college student or professor protesters are calling for peace.  They’re calling for a cease-fire.  They only want Israel to stop fighting.  They’re not calling for Hamas to release the hostages, some of whom are Americans.  They say Israel has proved its point, and there’s no reason to continue their assault on Gaza.  Well, I agree.  Israel has proved it’s point, but proving the point wasn’t the goal.  The goal was eliminating Hamas.  That’s no more a case of genocide than America’s war against Al-qaida.  If you want to know who’s goal it is to commit genocide, you need look no further than the mission statement of Hamas.  Yet somehow, college students across America have been led to believe Hamas is the victim.  Hamas is the catalyst, and the kinetic result was a bigoted and brutal attack.  
A college student in America promised 10,000 more similar attacks.  Then they wonder why the elimination of Hamas is a goal. 
The United States classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization.  What I’d like to know is why those who are supporting the terrorist organization aren’t being prosecuted for aiding and supporting a terrorist organization.  Gee, I wonder who’s in charge of that.  Oh, wait.  It’s the Secretary of Homeland Security.  The same guy who the Senate refused to even bring to trial for not doing his job.  Oh, and the Federal Department of Justice, which won’t arrest anybody on the left right now because it’s an election year.  Isn’t that just a fine way to run our country.  It seems like since the Biden administration took over, there’s been a lot more lawlessness tolerated.  There was lawlessness under the Trump administration, too, during the Black Lives Matter movement, but the Biden Administration seems to encourage it while Trump offered assistance to states to bring rule of law, many of which refused it.
I’m not saying we should trample on anyone’s freedom of speech, but a lot more going on here.  A lot of what’s happening isn’t protected by any Constitutional Amendment, but is being condoned by those who are afraid to enforce rules and laws already in place so as to not displease those who might vote in their favor this November.  As I’ve said on this program before, whoever controls the executive branch of our federal government controls which laws are enforced.  Or not enforced.  It’s clear to me, and probably most of us, that the left is pussy-footing around on this Hamas issue because of politics, not morals.  When the powers that be look the other way when a protester is carrying a sign that promotes the “final solution” we’ve gone far past any free speech rights and directly into promoting an actual genocide, not the imagined one demonstrators are claiming in Gaza.  
I know I’ve been singling out the college students and some of the radical professors.  I also realize there are other people joining, if not leading, the students in the methods of defiant activism.  Antagonizers.  People who are paid to bring the equipment and knowledge of strategies and tactics to cause the greatest disruption.  Where ever a new crop of willing lambs can be found, they will be.  We don’t know why they choose the subject matter or timing of their disruptions.  Perhaps it’s always a matter of opportunity.  In any case, the antagonists are always ready to jump in at the drop of a hat, and are coached and financed well.  
If these demonstrators were as dedicated to the cause as they want us to believe, they wouldn’t hide their faces.  Sure, some of them are proud to be a part of the Palestinian cause, but many hide their identity.  Why would they do that if they truly believed in what it is they’re promoting?  Either they don’t truly believe in the cause or they’re doing something for which they don’t want to get caught.  Or want their parents to see them doing on television.  So many laws have been broken at Columbia University alone that the paperwork would be exhausting.  Yet the school administration continues to make the New York City Police department wait outside the boundaries of the University.  While the school did allow the police to come on campus once time and make arrests, all they did was lick the icing off the cake.  Protesters have broken into and occupied a building on campus.  It took days for the police to go in and restore order.  There have been, at last count, about a thousand arrests on college campuses around the country recently.  Protests and protesters are not always treated with care and compassion.  Sometimes the school simply won’t tolerate what the protesters are doing.  There are rules that have to be followed on a college campus by college students and faculty.  Peaceful protests are protected, but as I pointed out earlier, much of what’s happening in recent protests is not protected by any law.  Those schools with the moral compass to recognize support for a terrorist organization have rights, too.  It makes me wonder why some schools allow such behavior at all, because they all should be living by the same laws.  But then again, it depends on what political stance you have and which party is in power.
One thing is clear.  The left is much better at protesting than the right.  But that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to weaponize freedom of speech.  These recent protesters have taken freedom of speech well beyond legal limits.  If it’s tolerated for too long, the next step will be to turn speech into action.  Then when people get killed because we let the speech continue, we’ll have to look back and wish we stopped the unlawful speech sooner.  Well, most of us will look back and wish.  Those who are spewing hatred and physical threats at these protests will probably consider it a victory.  I don’t think that’s what we really want.  But there’s a network of people who do.  And they have a lot of money to buy tents that will get used for a brief time and probably thrown away.  For what?  Causing chaos and bringing instability to our daily lives.
Maybe you can’t see the protests from where you live.  But they’re still having a significant impact on you.  And me.  The Biden administration is waffling on what to do.  The President himself finally made a statement on Thursday, condemning violence, antisemitism, and Islamophobia.  There’s no moral leadership from our government or the schools that allow the protests to continue.  There’s nobody trying to teach these kids how truly ignorant of the situation they are;  how they’re being used as a willing tool for a cause that seems virtuous on the surface.  But calls for death to America, death to Jews and other slogans aren’t child’s play.  Some young woman on the street of New York was chanting “Israel can go to hell!”  That’s how ignorant today’s college students are and how indoctrinated they’ve become.  First of all, a government entity can’t go to hell.  Secondly, the Jewish religion doesn’t have hell.  These Hamas supporters have a lot to learn.
Some of them are already learning.  Those who have been arrested, those who have been suspended or expelled from school, and all of the students who have been denied a peaceful and celebratory graduation have already learned how disruptive the radical left can be.
Not surprising, one of the demands the radical students at Columbia is total amnesty for their actions.  After all the upheaval and all the disruptions and all the negative news coverage and after you’ve likely embarrassed your parents, you want everybody to just forget it happened?  You want everyone to forget that you spewed hatred and death threats in the name of a terrorist organization?  You want everyone to forget that you became the model of racist bigotry the left spends all its time condemning?  You may be getting away with it now, but that’s only because it’s an election year and the incumbent needs your votes.  I don’t think he’s going to get them, but he’s not taking any chances.  But when the election’s over, you might not have any supporters left.  The right doesn’t want you, and the left no longer needs you.  Some of you might be able to parlay your activism into a job, but most of you will languish on the sidelines for the rest of your lives because of the personal legacy you built in the spring of 2024.  That’s too bad.  Some of you have real leadership qualities.  

The Listening Tube is written and produced by yours truly.  Copyright 2024.  Thank you for putting your ear to the Listening Tube.  Subscribe today.  I’m your host, Bob Woodley for thou ad infinitum.   

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